Northwest students will engage in team-based activities, and understand the logistics, value and challenges of effective teamwork. Inside and out of the classroom at Northwest I have advanced my teamwork skills. From working on group research papers, to being on organizations' executive boards, I have learned the importance of teamwork.
My Small Group Communication course, we would take minutes as a group. It was important to work as a team during this course.
Being on the executive board of my sorority, we worked together really well to make change in our chapter.
Being on Panhellenic Council, we had to work together and come up with new ideas to shape our community.
I worked in a group for my Interpersonal Communication course. At the end of the semester, we were given an assignment going over our interactions with our group.
In my Publication Skills course, people from a variety of majors worked on a literary magazine. In my reflection essay, I talk about the impact of teamwork on this assignment.
For my Propaganda and Persuasion course, I worked with 4 other people to create a campaign on campus. This was such a hit, the University recognized an organization for our ideas.